Search Engine Optimisation: Is It Still Relevant in 2024?

Picture this: A potential customer in your area needs exactly what your business offers. They pull out their phone, type a few words into Google, and… your competitor’s name pops up. 

Not yours.


Your situation is not unique. Many local business owners struggle to be found online, even by people practically next door.

You might have heard whispers about something called “SEO” that could help. But what exactly is it? And is it still relevant in 2024, when it seems like every other post on your feed is a paid ad?

In this article, we’ll address these questions head-on and provide clear, practical insights for local business owners. 

By the end of this post, you’ll have a solid grasp of why SEO remains a vital tool for local businesses in 2024.

What is SEO?

Before we go any further, let’s discuss what SEO actually means for your local business.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is all about making your business more visible online. It is the process of improving your website to appear higher in search engine results when people look for businesses like yours. 

The higher you appear in these results, the more likely potential customers are to click on your website and choose your business.

It’s not about tricking search engines. Instead, it’s about making your website the best possible resource for people searching for your products or services. 

The Changing Face of SEO

If you’ve been in business for a while, you might remember when simply having a website was enough to get noticed online. Those days are long gone.

In 2024, the digital landscape looks vastly different. Here’s what’s changed:

Algorithm Complexity

Search engine algorithms have become increasingly sophisticated, making SEO more complex than ever. 

Google, for example, uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to refine its search results, prioritising factors such as content quality, user experience, and relevance. Keeping up with these changes requires constant monitoring and adaptation of SEO strategies.

Paid Ads Dominate the Top

When you search for something on Google, you’ll notice that the top results are often marked as “Sponsored”. These are paid advertisements served by Google Ads, and they’re taking up more space than ever before.

For example, a local plumber used to be the first organic result for “emergency plumber” in his area. Now, his listing appears below several ads, pushing it further down the page.

More Competition, Less Space

With more businesses recognising the importance of online presence, competition for those coveted top spots has intensified. It’s no longer just about being better than the shop down the street—you’re competing with every business in your area with a website.

Quality Over Quantity

Search engines have gotten smarter. They’re no longer fooled by keyword stuffing or other outdated tactics. Instead, they prioritise websites that offer genuine value to users.

Mobile Matters More Than Ever

With most searches now happening on mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website isn’t just nice to have—it’s essential.

Voice Search

The rise of voice search through devices like smartphones and smart speakers has led to changes in SEO strategies, emphasising natural language and conversational keywords.

Why SEO Still Matters for Your Local Business

Given all these changes, you might wonder if SEO is still worth your time and effort. The short answer is yes, and here’s why:

1. It’s Still More Cost-Effective in the Long Run

While paid ads can give you quick visibility, they stop working when you stop paying. SEO, on the other hand, is an investment that can provide long-term returns. Once your website ranks well for relevant searches, you’ll continue to get visibility with far lower ongoing investment.

2. People Trust Organic Results

Studies show that many users trust organic search results more than paid ads. When your business appears in these organic listings, it lends credibility to your brand.

3. It Helps You Understand Your Customers

Good SEO isn’t just about pleasing search engines—it’s about understanding what your customers are looking for. This insight can help you improve your products, services, and overall business strategy.

4. Local SEO Connects You with Nearby Customers

For local businesses, SEO can be particularly powerful. When someone searches for “best coffee shop near me” or “local plumber,” you want your business to appear. Local SEO helps make that happen.

5. It Complements Other Marketing Efforts

SEO doesn’t work in isolation. It can enhance your other marketing efforts, including paid advertising. For instance, the insights you gain from SEO can help you choose better keywords for your paid ads.

6. It Keeps You Competitive

If your competitors are investing in SEO (and they probably are), you can’t afford to ignore it. SEO helps level the playing field, allowing smaller businesses to compete with larger ones for visibility.

SEO in Action: What Works for Local Businesses in 2024

Let’s look at what effective SEO looks like in 2024 and the practical steps you can take:

Quality Content is King

Creating high-quality, relevant content is more important than ever. Your content should address the needs and questions of your audience, providing value and encouraging engagement. This includes blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and other formats. Regularly updating your content to reflect the latest information and trends can also help maintain and improve your rankings.

Optimise Your Google Business Profile

Ensure your Google Business Profile is complete and up to date. This includes adding accurate business information, photos, and regular updates to attract local customers.

Focus on User Experience

Make sure your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and works well on mobile devices. Search engines consider how users interact with your site when ranking it.

Encourage and Respond to Reviews

Ask satisfied customers to leave reviews. Respond professionally to all reviews, both positive and negative. This builds trust and can boost your search rankings.

Ensure Your NAP is Consistent

NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number. Make sure this information is consistent across your website, Google Business Profile, and any other online directories.

Monitor Your Progress

Use free tools like Google Search Console to track your website’s performance in search results. This helps you understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

Remember, SEO is a long-term strategy. It takes time to see results, but the effort is worth it for sustainable online visibility.

Wrapping Up: SEO is Your Local Business’s Digital Ally

As we’ve explored, despite the changing digital landscape, SEO remains a vital tool for local businesses in 2024. 

SEO might seem complex, but it’s essentially about connecting your business with people who need your services. 

Implementing effective SEO strategies can be challenging and time-consuming. Given the complexity of search engine algorithms and the competitive nature of online visibility, having a professional touch can make a significant difference. 

Expert guidance ensures your SEO efforts are optimised for maximum impact, helping you stay ahead of the competition.

However, be cautious of cheap SEO services that promise quick fixes and unrealistic results. These can often do more harm than good, leading to penalties from search engines and a tarnished online reputation. Quality SEO requires a strategic approach and ongoing effort.

Don’t let your business stay invisible online. 

Taking action today can set you up for success in tomorrow’s digital marketplace. Investing in professional SEO services can provide the expertise and support you need to navigate this ever-evolving field successfully.

Need help with SEO for your local business to drive more local traffic to your site? Book your FREE SEO & Website health check with Dojo Web Group today.

Secure your spot at the top of search results and watch your business grow.

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